# Key Management

# Recover Key

To run a node with the same key every time:

Copy echo "your mnemonic here" | ./lambdavm keys add $KEY --recover

Lambda currently only supports 24 word mnemonics.

# Add New Key

You can generate a new key/mnemonic with:

Copy ./lambdavm keys add $KEY

To export your lambda key as an Ethereum private key:

Copy ./lambdavm keys unsafe-export-eth-key $KEY

For more about the available key commands, use the --help flag

Copy ./lambdavm keys -h

# Keyring backend options

The instructions above include commands to use test as the keyring-backend. This is an unsecured keyring that doesn't require entering a password and should not be used in production. Otherwise, Lambda supports using a file or OS keyring backend for key storage. To create and use a file stored key instead of defaulting to the OS keyring, add the flag --keyring-backend file to any relevant command and the password prompt will occur through the command line. This can also be saved as a CLI config option with:

Copy ./lambdavm config keyring-backend file

For more information about the Keyring and its backend options, click here.