# Introduction

Lambda is based on Tendermint Core (opens new window) that relies on a set of validators to secure the network. The role of validators is to run a full node and participate in consensus by broadcasting votes that contain cryptographic signatures signed by the validator's private key. Validators commit new blocks in the blockchain and receive revenue in exchange for their work. Validators must also participate in governance by voting on proposals. Validators are weighted according to their total stake.

# Node

Lambda network has multiple ways to participate in. Participators can choose different node type according to use case

# Consensus

  • Validator Node: Votes and produce blocks, secures the consensus network running

  • Full Node: Stores and persist full block datas and states

# Data Availability

  • Full Storage Node: Stores all DAPP or NFT on-chain datas, Full Storage Node does not need to connect to consensus node

  • Data Verify Node: Verify proof submitted by Full Storage Node and commit the result to chain

  • Chanllenge Node: Those nodes will chanllenge Storage Node periodically and submit challenges on-chain to ensure data verifiable publicly

Consensus Node and Full Storage Node can run on different devices, however they must run and signed by the same validator account to gain maximum reward. The benefit of storage node is related to the performance of the validator node in the consensus network, and has nothing to do with the size of its own storage space. But it needs to complete the necessary data availability challenge verification

The test for Storage Node will come up in the second phase

# Supported OS

We officially support macOS, Windows and Linux only in the following architectures:

  • darwin/x86_64
  • linux/x86_64

# Minimum Requirements

To run mainnet or testnet validator nodes, you will need a machine with the following minimum hardware requirements:

  • 4 or more physical CPU cores
  • At least 500GB of SSD disk storage
  • At least 32GB of memory (RAM)
  • At least 100mbps network bandwidth

As the usage of the blockchain grows, the server requirements may increase as well, so you should have a plan for updating your server as well.

# Community

Discuss the finer details of being a validator and seek advise from the rest of the validator community on our Discord (opens new window).